Online Contract Form

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  1. It is understood that this Studio/Photographer is the exclusive official photographer retained to perform the photographic services requested on this Contract.
  2. No part of any order, including previews, will be released to the client prior to payment in full.
  3. The Studio/Photographer reserves the right to use images created under this contract for advertising, display, publication or other purposes. The Client signing this contract warrants that he or she has actual authority to agree to the use of the likeness of all persons included in the portrait in this manner and shall indemnify and defend the Studio/Photographer in the event of litigation of this Studio/Photographer.
  4. For newborn photography- The Studio/Photographer can make no guarantee to the client about their ability to create/re-create any particular poses/shots. It is understood that by signing this contract that the client is agreeing to follow all advice and guidelines on newborn preparation for their session. Following the guidelines set forth by the Studio/Photographer provides the most potential for an excellent session, however does not guarantee the desired result.
  5. Upon signature and receipt of creative fee, the Studio/Photographer shall reserve the time and date agreed upon. If the session is cancelled by the client and not rescheduled within 30 days of the original date the client agrees that the creative fee will not be refunded and kept as a cancellation fee. This fee will not be deducted from any future packages and is for the sole purpose of compensating the Studio/Photographer for their lost time. For newborns, the session must be rescheduled within 7 days due to the time sensitive nature of newborn photography. Failure to make a new appointment within these time frames will result in a cancellation fee.
  6. If a client is more than 15 minutes late to an appointment the Studio/Photographer reserves the right to consider that a cancellation and the creative fee will be held as a cancellation fee. If a client is running late and notifies the Studio/Photographer it is understood that the appointment will not be extended beyond the agreed upon time frame to accommodate.
  7. If, in the opinion of the photographer, inclement weather or other adverse conditions prevent the creation of a portrait meeting the artistic standards of the studio/photographer, photographer may elect to use an alternate location or to reschedule the portrait.
  8. If the Studio/Photographer cannot perform the Contract due to fire or other casualty, strike, act of God, or other cause beyond the control of the parties, or due to Photographer’s illness or emergency, then the Photographer shall return any creative fee collected to the Client but shall have no further liability with respect to the Contract. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that photographic materials are damaged in processing, lost through camera or media malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost or damaged without fault on the part of the Photographer. In the event the Studio/Photographer fails to perform for any other reason, the Studio/Photographer shall not be liable for any amount in excess of the retail value of the Client’s order.
  9. Images will be held in storage for 30 days after your original session appointment.  It is your responsibility to schedule and attend a second viewing appointment after the photos have been edited.  If you cannot come view your photos within the 30 days they will be archived.  Once images have been archived we will require a $100 administrative fee to re-open your files.
  10. Images will not be released to the client in any form before the viewing appointment.
  11. After your viewing appointment your images will be archived.  A $100 administrative fee will be required to re-open your files after this time.
  12. No part of any print or art orders will be delivered until the client is paid in full.
  13. No changes may be made to your print order once the viewing appointment is over.
  14. Client is aware that the quality of the printed image delivered is not under the control of the Studio/Photographer and frees the Photographer from any liability for any claims whatsoever based upon discoloration in the end result print. Studio/Photographer is not responsible for the quality of services provided by its business partners.
  15. The charges in this Contract are based on the Studio’s/Photographer’s Standard Price List. This price list is adjusted periodically and future orders shall be charged at the prices in effect at the time when the order is placed.
  16. The client understands that the photo editing included is limited to basic re-touching only.  A fee will apply to any additional re-touching requested.
  17. The client agrees that he/she will not bring or use their personal cameras, camera phone, or video equipment to any session so as to not interfere with the work of the photographer.
  18. The client understands that any location fees or parking fees associated with any particular location will be paid by the client and are not included in their photography package.
  19. NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: It is ILLEGAL to redistribute these photographs for profit or use other than private consumption without Studio’s/Photographer’s permission, and violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties.
  20. This Contract incorporates the entire understanding of the parties. Any modifications of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.


  • All images are copyright under the Federal Copyright Laws and subject to fines of up to $150,000 if breaking those laws. By signing this contract, you are agreeing not to copy, save, or reproduce images in any way. This includes copying and saving images from the website, blog, Facebook, or any other form of advertisement. I have read and understood this agreement, including the terms and conditions, and agree to be bound by them.

  • Clear Signature

    I am the parent or legal guardian of any minor(s) named above and have the legal right and authority to execute the model release stipulations named in this contract on behalf of the minor.

  • Clear Signature